I previously had a windows 7 home premium original copy which I did bought spending my money. It worked well. After win 10 launch I could successfully upgrade to windows 10 and the copy got activated automatically. There were talks around saying Microsoft is giving away free windows activation this time. So i made a USB copy of windows 10 PRO in to my flash drive and I DID A CLEAN INSTALL FROM THAT VERY COPY. Now I have Windows 10 PRO not activated. I cannot activate this using my windows 7 home premium product key. PLEASE HELP!
2. Inside the extracted ABRbeta folder, run activation_backup.exe (administrator privileges are required). The program will find and create a backup of the certificate and a text file with the product key in the same folder.
Backup And Restore Windows 7 Oem Activation Crackl
3. Locate the ABRbeta folder on your system and run the activation_restore.exe. If you receive a message on Windows 7 that the tokens.dat file is not found and Windows may be already activated, just press y to continue.
While the Activation Backup and Restore tool above allows you to transfer your OEM license from one install to another on the same computer, Advanced Tokens Manager will actually allow you to transfer standard Windows licenses that have been activated by phone or online as well, although certain conditions apply in those cases. It can also backup and restore Windows 8 and Office 2010/2013 licenses.
Hello, i have a Win7 (Ultimate) x32bit installed in my PC through a Retail Disc i.e., Win7 Starter Disc.I had activated that version and now i have to re-install Win7 Ultimate because of some Disc indexing problem or disc error. I already have a backup of that Win7 Ultimate , can i restore that backup and then make a backup of that license copy through the tools that has been mentioned above and then can i install or restore it to my new Win7 Ultimate copy.Can anyone holler i really do not have a separate key for Win 7 Ultimate. My friend installed one time for me and i do not have another Ultimate key. Will it work that way. Hoping for some positive feedback.
If your backup is properly activated then tool #2 will back up the activation and restore on reinstall. Alternatively, you can just use a key finder tool and copy the key, then reinstall and enter the key again. If the key is legit, activation will work fine.
If there are any known issues with activation on any version using the windows images/techniques I listed can someone please elaborate on them. I am asking because I started a new job that requires re-installing every version of windows on various computers that have OEM and retail versions.
The following steps may look a bit more complicated than they actually are. Essentially all you are doing is extracting two folders. One has two programs activation_backup.exe and activation_restore.exe. The cert and product key files must be copied to this extracted folder so the activation_restore.exe can be launched.
Once these files are copied across run activation-restore.exe by double clicking it and accept any user-account control. It will input the Major OEM SLP key from the backup-key.txt and use this with the backup-cert.XrML to activate Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Copy the ABR Folder to a safe place for later use. These can be used later to restore your OEM product activation.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dellwindowsreinstallationguide_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',144,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dellwindowsreinstallationguide_com-leader-4-0');
Saying what? I assume you are not on the product activation stage and that you are the Windows installation stage. If I'm correct have a look at these videos: -clean-install-of-windows-7/downloading-preparing-and-loading-sata-drivers/
The Dimension 5100 was sold by Dell with only Windows XP and maybe in some cases Windows Vista. Thus Dell have only placed the markers for Windows XP and possibly Windows Vista in the system BIOS. They have not placed the Windows 7 markers in the BIOS and the activation mechanism will therefore sees an invalid BIOS and hence will not activate. See notes on ineligible systems: -clean-install-of-windows/microsoft-product-activation/the-activation-backup-and-recovery-program-windows-vista-7-version/#Ineligible
In your case you have purchased a Reinstallation DVD and a COA so phone activation may work: -clean-install-of-windows/microsoft-product-activation/phone-activation-windows-vista-7/In reality a Dell Windows 7 COA should not be sold separately from a Dell system so it is also possible you were sold a non-genuine license. Theres lots of piracy of fake Windows 7 COAs and for these reasons COAs are removed in Windows 8 and later. The system builder OEM license is usually just Microsoft branded.
Sorry I updated that link, it should work: -clean-install-of-windows/microsoft-product-activation/phone-activation-windows-vista-7/If your wifes was an OptiPlex 760, Dell sold it with Windows 7 so the latest BIOS does have the markers for Windows 7 Dell OEM activation. The OptiPlex 745 and 755 do not similar to the Dimension E510.
I now want to switch back to Windows 7 but I have nothing backed up from the original Dell install. I also could have flashed the BIOS before even if I don't remember doing it (does it erase the OEM license?).Do you think it could be a problem for reactivation? Should I prefer the dell installation media over the retail one when following your "clean install of windows" guide?
For Windows 7 Professional the OEM SLP activation is used and if you need to download Windows 7 Professional Media follow the instructions here: -microsoft-windows-and-office/download-microsoft-windows/windows-7-sp1-iso-download/You need the ABR program and cert files aswell as the .iso as you have no unique Windows 7 Professional product key and must use the OEM SLP. I explain whats going on in the tutorial video. Media made from Dell Backup and Recovery will also work but it depends if you want a clean install or factory settings. If your factory settings are working well theres no need to clean install.
I have a Dell Latitude E4300 laptop that came preinstalled with windows 7 32 bit professional. I plan to do a clean install of windows 7 64 bit professional. I already have the retail media. Will this method work to properly activate the 64 bit version of windows or will it only work for the 32 bit version the computer originally came with? I plan to back up the cert and key files first before reformatting the drive but those backups will be from the 32 bit version. How do you suggest I proceed?
When I switched to Windows 10 creating backups became unstable. The Windows 10 software has a confusing setup process and doesn't always back things up. Over the years I have used a variety of backup software but never have I tried NTI Backup Now EZ 5. The entire process is all very easy to figure out. It's made to be simple which is what I love most about it. And it actually works too. After creating my backup I decided to really test it out. I erased my main hard drive and was able to find the backup and quickly restore my full computer quickly and easily. Unlike the built in version of Win 10 or even Acronis which doesn't always find it's own backup file. NTI Backup Now found itself and gave me the security that I have come to demand in quality software. Trust Me. It's the Best Deal In Town ....
1 Makes a backup at the file level.2 Maintains history of each backup (if files are compressed).3 Creates a new backup only if the file has been modified.4 Option to restore the file as a copy or to overlay the original.5 Can schedule hourly, daily, and weekly.The NTI support was excellent. I had a question about item 2 and it was promptly answered.
The taskbar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the old Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with the ability to pin applications to the taskbar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable Jump Lists to allow easy access to common tasks, and files frequently used with specific applications.[66] The revamped taskbar also allows the reordering of taskbar buttons. To the far right of the system clock is a small rectangular button that serves as the Show desktop icon. By default, hovering over this button makes all visible windows transparent for a quick look at the desktop.[67] In touch-enabled displays such as touch screens, tablet PCs, etc., this button is slightly (8 pixels) wider in order to accommodate being pressed by a finger.[68] Clicking this button minimizes all windows, and clicking it a second time restores them.
Window management in Windows 7 has several new features: Aero Snap maximizes a window when it is dragged to the top, left, or right of the screen.[69] Dragging windows to the left or right edges of the screen allows users to snap software windows to either side of the screen, such that the windows take up half the screen. When a user moves windows that were snapped or maximized using Snap, the system restores their previous state. Snap functions can also be triggered with keyboard shortcuts. Aero Shake hides all inactive windows when the active window's title bar is dragged back and forth rapidly.
These technologies enable you to restore from your backups faster and also enable capabilities such as automated recovery verification. The technologies can also leverage backup data as an ad hoc testing environment. This capability changes the way that users have used backups in the past because more benefits are associated with having backups. No longer do backups sit idle, waiting for an emergency restore; you can apply your backups for many creative uses.
Windows XP was the first Windows operating system to require activation. According to an official 2007 document on the Microsoft's support website, "After the 30 days has expired, you must activate Windows to continue using Windows." An oft-quoted article written by the late Microsoft developer Alex Nichol to clear up myths about Windows XP activation says that an unactivated system will do little more than boot, allow you to make backups and activate. 2ff7e9595c